Advanced door automation for sliding doors
Since last autumn Thermod has been a dealer of advanced sliding door automation from Spanish world supplier Manusa. The partnership gives us the opportunity to offer you as a customer the VISIO sliding door automation.
Manusa's range is wide and includes door automation for most purposes. The products have a compact design and are offered in a large number of colors for most environments and uses. The series offer automatics with the fastest opening speed on the market and open and close with very low noise level.
The VISIO 100 sliding door automatic is self-learning and hides all components under the 100 mm high cover. The automatic can handle door leaf weights up to 120 kg. Thanks to the non-vibrating rail, the automatic has a very quiet and vibration-free operation.
The VISIO 125 has a more powerful design and can handle door leaf weights up to 160 kg. Thanks to non-vibrating rails and direct drive motors, the automatic system has a quiet and vibration-free running. Dual engines further enhance reliability.