Customized hygiene doors for Lidl's new head office

Lidl Sweden is facing a major expansion in the Swedish market with a brand new head office in Barkabystaden in Järfälla Municipality outside Stockholm. Thermod participates with laminate doors, including for the property's new kitchen and dining areas.

The new office complex measures a total of 15,000 m2 and accommodates, in addition to modern environmentally certified office, assembly and conference spaces for over 600 employees, also a brand new store of 2,500 m2.

Thermod contributes to the project with design-adapted hygiene doors for the cooking kitchen, the test kitchen and the office's new lunchroom.

The project started in autumn 2018 with Serneke Bygg as the main contractor and was inaugurated only recently on April 12, 2021.

Read more about it and watch the video about our doors for food environments

Published 22 Jun 2021

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