Doors for medical modular platforms

MedicSolution Nordic AB develops customized, prefabricated modules for hospitals, research and other healthcare environments. Turnkey solutions for, for example, operating theaters, laboratories, sterile centers and imaging.

The company recently launched a completely new business area focused on civil preparedness in healthcare. The business area is based on MAX24, a new robust, flexible modular platform aimed at strengthening healthcare in the event of crisis and war. The platform can, with short lead times, be delivered when and where needed and can be transported by truck, boat, train and plane.

Thermod offers the doors

Thermod's fiberglass doors are a common feature in several of MedicSolution’s modular solutions. Over the years, we have delivered hygiene doors and hermetic sliding and swing doors, but also special doors and windows for, for example, X-ray environments.

Fiberglass doors offer great advantages in terms of both cleaning and hygiene. In addition, MedicSolution’s modular concept allows almost full flexibility in terms of door formats, which means that each door can be adapted to the shape and design of the module.

Operating doors for MAX24

For the new MAX24 modular platform, Thermod has delivered double doors for airlocks and operating rooms.

We thank MedicSolution for their continued confidence in creating door solutions for applications with very extraordinary requirements.

Photo: Petter Sand

Published 3 Jul 2024

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