New CEO for Thermod Group
Dan Wikström Lilliebjelke took up the position as President/CEO of Thermod Group AB on September 1.
Thermod Group, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of the listed company Lagercrantz, comprises the companies. Thermod AB, Thermod AB NUF (Norway), Thermod Sp. z o.o (Poland) and Thermod Polska Sp. zo.o (Poland).
Dan Wikström Lilliebjelke has a solid experience of international business development in the construction and security industry and has held board assignments and senior positions in well-known companies such as Kaba, Dormakaba and Reynaers Aluminium.
Within the framework of his own consulting activities, he has recently engaged in roles as interim CEO and senior advisor.
We warmly welcome Dan to Thermod!
Dan Wikström Lilliebjelke
Tel: +46 70-695 25 11